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What is sugar doing to your body?


Most of us are guilty of over-indulging our sweet tooth from time to time, but the occasional splurge is nothing compared to the average daily sugar intake from things that we don’t even think about.

Here’s what we mean:

A 20oz. bottle of soda contains the equivalent of 16 teaspoons of sugar, which is more than The American Heart Association’s recommended daily maximum (5-9 tsp). That means that most people’s daily sugar intake get’s blown out of the water before noon.

But what does that actually mean? How does excess sugar affect your body?

Here’s few reasons to watch your sugar intake, courtesy of The Atkins Diet:

1. Sugar causes blood glucose to spike and plummet.

These kind of fluctuations in blood sugar can lead to mood swings, fatigue, headaches and cravings for more sugar. Cravings can begin a cycle of addiction in  which you feel better temporarily but, a few hours later, result in more cravings.

On the flip side, those who avoid sugar often report having little or no cravings for sugary things and feeling emotionally balanced and energized.

2. Sugar increases the risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

Major studies have shown that the more foods that quickly affect blood sugar, including foods containing sugar, a person consumes, the higher his risk for becoming obese and for developing diabetes and heart disease. Emerging research is also suggesting connections between high-glycemic diets and many different forms of cancer.

3. Sugar interferes with immune function.

Animal studies have shown that sugar suppresses immune response. More research is needed to understand the exact effects, but we do know that bacteria and yeast feed on sugar. When these organisms get out of balance in the body, infections and illness are more likely.

4. A high-sugar diet often results in chromium deficiency.

It’s sort of a catch-22. If you consume a lot of sugar and other refined carbohydrates, you probably don’t get enough of the trace mineral chromium, and one of chromium’s main functions is to help regulate blood sugar. Scientists estimate that 90% of Americans don’t get enough chromium. Chromium is found in a variety of animal foods, seafood and plant foods. Refining starches and other carbohydrates rob these foods of their chromium supplies.

5. Sugar accelerates aging.

It even contributes to that tell-tale sign of aging: sagging skin. Some of the sugar you consume ends up attaching itself to proteins, in a process called glycation. These new molecular structures contribute to the loss of elasticity found in aging body tissues, from your skin to your organs and arteries. The more sugar circulating in your blood, the faster this damage takes hold.

6. Sugar causes tooth decay.

With all the other life-threatening effects of sugar, we sometimes forget the most basic damage it does. When it sits on your teeth, it creates decay more efficiently than any other food substance. For a strong visual reminder, next time the Tooth Fairy visits, try the old tooth-in-a-glass-of-Coke experiment—the results will surely convince you that sugar isn’t good for your pearly whites.

7. Sugar can cause gum disease, which can lead to heart disease.

Evidence shows that chronic infections, such as those that result from periodontal problems, play a role in the development of coronary artery disease. The most popular theory is that the connection is related to widespread effects from the body’s inflammatory response to infection.

8. Sugar affects behavior and cognition in children.

Though it has been confirmed by millions of parents, most researchers have not been able to show the effect of sugar on children’s behavior. A possible problem with the research is that most of it compared the effects of a sugar-sweetened drink to one containing an artificial sweetener. It may be that kids react to both real sugar and sugar substitutes, therefore showing no differences in behavior.
What about kids’ ability to learn?
Between 1979 and 1983, 803 New York City public schools reduced the amount of table sugar and eliminated artificial colors, flavors and two preservatives from school lunches and breakfasts. The diet policy changes were followed by a 15.7 percent increase in a national academic ranking.

9. Sugar increases stress.

When we’re under stress, our stress hormone levels rise. These chemicals are the body’s fight-or-flight emergency team, sent out to prepare the body for an attack. These chemicals are also called into action when blood sugar is low.

For example:
After a blood-sugar spike, your body tries to compensate with a dip, which causes the body to release stress hormones such as adrenaline, epinephrine and cortisol. One of the main things these hormones do is raise blood sugar, providing the body with a quick energy boost. The problem is, these helpful hormones can make us feel anxious, irritable and shaky.

10. Sugar takes the place of important nutrients.

According to USDA data, people who consume the most sugar have the lowest intakes of essential nutrients, especially vitamin A, vitamin C, folate, vitamin B-12, calcium, phosphorous, magnesium and iron. Ironically, those who consume the most sugar are children and teenagers, the individuals who need these nutrients most.


So to summarize, controlling you sugar intake increases your chance of being happy, healthy, youthful, clear-thinking, stress-free and nutritionally sound.

Replace those sodas with a good ole’ fashioned bottle of water.

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